Welcome to the VOIEF's1st Annual
Hooters Chicken Wing Eating Contest!
Rescheduled for 2025
Sunday November 9, 2025

For the first time ever, we have partnered with Hooters for a chicken wing eating contest. Entry is limited to twenty contestants, first come first possible chance of becoming the 2025 Champion! Please read the rules, entry fee is $100 for the chance to eat as many wings as possible out of fifty in a10 minute time period.
Contestants must be 18 or older to enter.
Entries are limited
You must register
​Rules for the contest
Entry fee per contestant $50, this is a fundraiser so refunds will not be given.
Contestants must check in at the Beer Garden between 11:30am – 12:00pm, anyone that shows up after cutoff of registration will be disqualified.
Contest Check-In is at12:15 p.m. at Contest Stage, contestants who are late or no show will be disqualified.
Official Rules and Regulations
Must be at least 18 to compete.
Entry is limited to the first 20 contestants.
Contestants must not touch the wings before start of competition.
Wings must be at least 90% eaten as determined by officials; otherwise, will be returned to plate, where you will be able to finish said wing or not, resulting in your ultimate score. The flap may be disregarded.
Contestants will be given 50 naked wings and have 10 minutes to eat as many wings as they can; you will be judged by the number of wings left.
Visual signs of sickness will result in disqualification.
No condiments or other sides will be offered or accepted during competition.
Examples of “properly eaten wings” will be displayed at the wing-eaters contest meeting the day of competition.
Contestants must sit.
The use of utensils is not allowed.
The contest is over when time expires; once time expires contestants may not touch any more wings, otherwise you will be disqualified.
Judges will be on hand to assure the adherence to contest rules and will count each contestants’ leftover wings; and to disqualify contestants that refused to adhere to the rules.
If contestant gets sick or doesn't feel good, they will be disqualified.
THE WINNER RECEIVES A Gift Card to Hooters, the amount of the gift card will be determined by the number of contestants who have entered.